Tuesday, 28 September 2010

The Finkler Question

I was actually looking forward to reading this, and was quite pleased with the opening chapters. Must admit I didn't understand all of the humour (I still don't get the "J'you know Juno" 'joke' - but maybe that's the point. I'm not a Finkler...)

I also found it to be long winded in parts and found myself skimming over the more political/social debates - not because I'm not interested, but maybe I should start with a 'beginners guide to...'.

I didn't really warm to Treslove or Finkler, but I did find Libor interesting, even if he did seem to be a bit of a caricature. I enjoyed his stories about Hollywood starlets and his devotion to his wife.

I can see the humour in this book, and I wish I could appreciate it a bit more, but I'm afraid The Finkler Question was a just a bit too 'clever' for me. Our group did all agree that it does raise lots of interesting questions and invites further debate, so maybe if I was reading it as part of an 'academic' process (versus 'reading for pleasure') I would get more out of it.

I know David really enjoyed this book, so keep a look out for him posting his thoughts here...

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